GILBERT, S.C. — On Thursday, September 15, iCivics classes welcomed speakers in observance of Constitution Day. Sarah Khouri and Justine Tate of the Department of Revenue spoke to seventhand eighth-grade classes, while Tiffany Richardson of the South Carolina School Boards Association and Ericka Williams of the South Carolina Supreme Court spoke to sixth-graders.
The topic of conversation was A Brief History of America’s Voting Rights and how this related to the Constitution. Games followed the discussions, and students vied for patriotic prizes and candy.
GMS celebrated Constitution Day this week with various other activities. During Tribe Time, students viewed a video on the Constitution and answered questions using Quizizz. iCivics students also reported on the Constitution daily on the GMS News Show.
Last week at GMS, students had the opportunity to focus on the United States Constitution and on the rights and freedoms given to us by this great document.