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Lexington District One Accepted into National Network of Innovative School Districts

Lexington, SC - Lexington County School District One returns to Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools, will partner with other leading educators, entrepreneurs, and researchers from across the U.S.

Lexington County School District One is one of 19 school districts accepted into the League of Innovative Schools today, a national coalition of forward-thinking school districts organized by Digital Promise, an independent, bipartisan nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to accelerate innovation in education.

Lexington District One was selected from a competitive and national pool of applicants based on its leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning, and commitment to collaboration. The district is rejoining the coalition with a new superintendent, Dr. Greg Little.

The League of Innovative Schools, launched in late 2011, accepts new members through an open application process once per year. With the new members, the League now includes 87 school districts in 33 states, representing nearly 3.3 million students. The full list of members can be found at

“The League of Innovative Schools connects and rallies the most dynamic leaders of the nation’s school districts in order to advance positive change in public education,” said Sara Schapiro, senior director of the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. “As Digital Promise celebrates its fifth anniversary, we’re excited to welcome our new League members and amplify their insights to help others support teaching and learning with technology.”

League members are represented by their superintendent, who commits to:

  • Attend biannual League meetings, which feature classroom visits, collaborative problem-solving, and relationship-building with peers and partners;

  • Join working groups on a broad range of topics relevant to the changing needs of school districts;

  • Engage with entrepreneurs to advance product development and meet district needs;

  • Support research that expands what we know about teaching and learning; and

  • Participate in the League’s professional learning community by connecting with other members online, in person, and at each other’s school districts.

In addition to superintendents’ participation, there are also opportunities for other school administrators, principals, and teachers to participate in League and Digital Promise initiatives.

For more information on the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools, visit:


About Digital Promise

Digital Promise is a nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to spur innovation in education in order to improve the opportunity to learn for all Americans. Through its work with educators, entrepreneurs, researchers, and leading thinkers, Digital Promise supports a comprehensive agenda to benefit lifelong learning and provide Americans with the knowledge and skills needed to compete in the global economy.

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