Lexington, SC - Lexington County firefighters were called to Michelin Tires US 7 plant on Thursday evening after smoke began to fill a portion of the building. Michelin Tire is located on Industrial Drive near the intersection of Two Notch and Longs Pond Road in central Lexington County.
Fire equipment and personnel from Round Hill, Red Bank, Lexington, and other stations were dispatched to the call about 8 p.m. The fire service also dispatched ladder trucks from South Congaree at Oak Grove to the call.
When fire officials arrived on the scene they found light smoke in the building. After investigating the source of the smoke they found an electrical fire in an equipment room inside the facility. Plant maintenance employees de-energized the equipment, putting out the fire.
Because of the smoke in the building, the Batesburg Leesville Fire Department’s “Super Fan” was requested. This fan, mounted on a trailer and powered by a V8 engine, is capable of moving massive amounts of air and smoke. It is the only fan of its kind in the Midlands and has been used during large structure fires in the city of Columbia, Richland County, and across Lexington County.
Firefighters remained on the scene removing smoke from the building until the atmosphere was safe for employees to return.
Michelin Us – 7 manufactures large tires for moving equipment. These tires are shipped all over the world. Its sister plant, Us – 5, is located on the same property in central Lexington County. That plant manufactures tires for light trucks and passenger vehicles.
The extent of the damage to the plant because of the fire has not been disclosed.