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Chapin High School students host annual Trick-or-Canning food drive

CHAPIN, SC - Dozens of Chapin High School students representing 10 school clubs came together to help raise food for those in need during the annual “Trick-or-Canning!” event. A grand total of 2,215 pounds of food was donated to the We Care Center, a non-profit organization located in Chapin that works with local families and individuals in the community. The center serves those who are facing emergencies trying to meet their basic living needs.

“I think it is important for us as students to help those in need because often times in our regular school days, we don’t normally see it,” said Chapin High School student body president Morgan Weaver. “I am so proud of my school and their generosity. At Chapin High, we have so many opportunities to give back including our Eagle Fest and we are very excited about our annual Holiday Giving assembly coming up where we’ll pick one organization and donate to them.”

To make the food drive even more exciting, the clubs turn it into a contest to see which organization could donate the most food. ROTC/Interact took home first place donating 669 pounds of food, followed by HOSA in second place with 300 pounds. Junior Board edged out the Key Club for third place with 252 pounds.

Executive Director of the We Care Center Alecia Klauk was in awe of this year’s turn out saying, “We Care has long benefitted from the productive partnership we enjoy with our schools and this year’s Trick-or-Canning was no exception! The 2,215 pounds of food donated will greatly impact the near-100 clients we have been seeing every week. It was a joy to experience the students’ enthusiasm.”

Klauk added that as the night rolled on, she encouraged students to head home and return to finish processing the food the following day, but was surprised by what happened next. “Every one of the students stayed and worked until every can had found its proper place,” Klauk said. “I was so impressed, not only with the results of the drive, but the dedication of the students to work hard to see it through. We Care could not be more grateful to receive such a beautiful outpouring! It was all treats, no tricks!”

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