Lexington, SC - The South Carolina Department of Transportation is continuing its pre-storm operations in advance of the winter weather predicted to move through parts of the state over the weekend.
According to a Friday, 4:05 p.m. press release, SCDOT crews have prepped snow and ice removal equipment. SCDOT facilities are stocked with salt, sand, brine and other de-icing materials. SCDOT crews in the Upstate have pre-treated some routes located in higher elevation areas Firday with a salt brine mixture.
SCDOT Maintenance units are on standby, with skeleton crews scheduled to begin working late Saturday or early Sunday as conditions warrant.
Secretary of Transportation Christy A. Hall urges motorists to use caution when approaching SCDOT crews and equipment in pre-treating and plowing operations. Crews are working to keep the roads open and safe.
SCDOT further reminds drivers to use extreme caution on bridges which freeze over much faster than roadways.​