Lexington, S.C. (May 31, 2017) – On Friday, June 2, 2017, the Lexington Police Department will continue with the quarterly “Coffee With A Cop” events at Chick-Fil-A Saluda Pointe.
Chief Terrence Green along with officers from each division, Chaplains, and Volunteers In Police Services (V.I.P.S.) members will be on hand to answer questions, discuss issues or concerns, provide information on the the many services and events that the Lexington Police Department offers the Town of Lexington community, and enjoy a free cup of coffee with those who attend.
Chief Terrence Green stated, “Our “Coffee With A Cop” events have been an excellent opportunity for informal conversations while building trust through having questions answered, meeting concerns with problem solving and finding out what matters most to the citizens of this community that our officers serve.”
The “Coffee With A Cop” event will begin at 7:30 a.m. and end at 9:30 a.m. Chick-fil-A Saluda Pointe is located at 4295 Sunset Blvd. in Lexington.
“Coffee With A Cop” is a nationally recognized program with over 2000 participating communities to establish better communication between police officers and the public, establish trust and transparency, and build positive relationships in an informal setting.
More information can be found at www.coffeewithacop.com.