COLUMBIA, SC - After a more thorough assessment of flooding and damage by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the decision has been made for S.C. Department of Natural Resources game wardens to return home.
While the request for South Carolina assistance was put in a few days ago, full damage assessments could not begin in Florida until Tuesday morning after Irma passed and assessments could be made safely. Those assessments revealed the flooding was not as severe as originally anticipated, and the FFWCC decided mobilizing SCDNR is not necessary.
"It's good news to hear that the flooding in Florida is not as bad as we thought it would be," SCDNR Director Alvin Taylor said. "We're always willing to help other states when the need arises and, in this case, FFWCC has adequate assets to meet their needs. So we're bringing our officers home."
The game wardens had just crossed into Georgia when they received word of the change in plans. They will be back this evening and will return to their normal duties on Wednesday