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Is Chick-Fil-A coming to Red Bank; the mystery deepens

Red Bank, SC (Paul Kirby) – Rumors have burned up social media over the last few days that a Chick-Fil-A was coming to Red Bank. Most are saying that it will be built in the area that sits behind the McDonalds to the right of the entrance road to the Wal-Mart.

That property, a tract that totals a little more than 8 acres, is listed on the county’s tax rolls as being owned by South Lexington Associates II, LLC which uses a Lexington P.O. box as an address. After checking with Lexington County’s Register of Deeds on Friday, January 19, 2018, they said that the property has not recently changed hands. In fact, the same group has owned the property since the mid 2000’s. They said that their data entry was up-to-date to within a few days of our request.

The Ledger also filed a Freedom of Information Act request with Lexington County for any information they had regarding the property and development. They were asked if a developmental review meeting had been requested or held, the first step in almost all commercial development. We also asked if any permits for land disturbance, zoning changes, or any other permit of any type had been requested are issued. They answered no to all of those questions.

If there is a Chick-Fil-A coming to the Red Bank area, it doesn’t appear that it will be there, and if it is there, it simply in the negotiation phases now. It would make sense to sub-divide the property, a process that takes some time, and sell the smaller parcels individually. Then all the previously mentioned steps would need to be taken prior to any construction.

That doesn’t mean that the popular chain is not looking at some other parcel in or around the area. It simply means that unless someone else has inside knowledge that would narrow down the location, The Ledger’s staff can’t positively confirm this rumor.Chicken lovers hold on, Rush's will eventually be completed, we think.

If you have a new lead on the Chick-Fil-A, or any other developmental news that we can follow up on, call us at (803) 587-3144.

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