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Town of Pine Ridge swears in new police officer

Pine Ridge, S.C. (Sydney Pendrick) The Pine Ridge Police Department swore in the newest member to their team Tuesday night. Patrolman Dale Brown took the oath at their regular monthly council meeting.

Brown is a resident of Camden,SC and has three children. He has served the citizens of South Carolina in several capacities since 1998. He began as a firefighter for the Kershaw County Fire Service. Later, Officer Brown joined the McCrady Fire Department at that SC National Guard training facility while working part-time as a patrolman for the Pine Ridge Police Department. Brown has worked as a part-time officer for Pine Ridge since 2015 under former Police Chief Billy Parker.

“Patrolman Brown has a passion for helping others and serving his community; he sets a positive example to the community and to our department,” said Lieutenant Joshua Starkey, Brown’s immediate supervisor, when asked about the department’s bringing on board Brown full-time. Because of his past experience patrolling Pine Ridge, he was trained to start immediately.

The town’s elected leaders and Chief Nicholas Scott believe that the Pine Ridge Police Department is very blessed to have a man that already has experience, knows the people of the town, and the ins and out of the department now on their schedule more frequently. They have expressed their faith that Patrolman Brown will continue to make a positive impact in the community in the coming years.

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