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Open Letter To Governor Henry McMaster regarding the SCDOT's destruction of our home

South Carolina Governor’s Office

The Honorable Henry D. McMaster

State House

1100 Gervais Street

Columbia, SC 29201

Re: Destruction of Lives and Homes by the SCDOT and its Contractors

for the Leaphart Road Bridge Replacement Project

Dear Governor McMaster:

We live adjacent to this very poorly managed SCDOT project which began

in August of 2016. This project was planned for over 10 years, and from the

first day of construction it has been an unbelievable nightmare for us and

our neighbors. The constant excessive noise and vibration, especially at

night, created considerable health issues and anxiety for our special needs

child. From September 2016 to the end of April 2017, our child gained less

than two pounds and his height remained unchanged. He was unable to

finish that school year, and the constant stress significantly accelerated the

need for a heart operation. Imagine a seven-year-old child going to bed

night after night worried that his home may collapse on top of him during

the night because of the multiple cracks in the walls and ceiling of his bedroom

caused by construction vibration.

Recently contractors replaced our level driveway with a very steep driveway

approved by the SCDOT which causes stormwater from the roadway to

flood our yard next to the foundation of our home. We have had a parcel of

our property taken without due process or compensation. One neighboring

family with three small children had to abandon their home. Another neighbor,

a ninety-two-year-old naval veteran, has extensive vibration damage,

flooding and property taking issues as well. We recently had to move out

of our home because of the ongoing stress on our child and the damage to

our home.

Every State agency we contacted including the SCDOT has failed to help

us or even address any issue created by this project. The SCDOT and the

contractors for this project cannot point to one single thing they have done

to address any issue they created for us. Every one of these issues and the

impact on us was predictable, especially for experienced contractors, and

therefore easily preventable.

The citizens of South Carolina deserve much better than this type of agency

mismanagement. We contacted your staff the first time almost a year

ago, and we were informed you were too busy to help or even discuss this

with us. We believe a child’s health, our quality of life, our homes and property

are worth your time. We are asking you, as a Governor responsible to

the citizens of this State, to hold people accountable and help resolve every

issue created by this project for us and our neighbors.


The Bowers Family

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