Lexington, SC (Paul Kirby) – A patrol officer with the Lexington Police Department retired last Friday after serving the citizens with distinction for more than 20 years. Patrolman First Class Ryan Whitlock hung up the tools of his trade and said his final goodbyes.
According to the Lexington Police Department, Patrolman First Class Ryan Whitlock began his career with the Kingstree Police Department in 1998 followed by several years at the University of South Carolina Division of Law Enforcement and Safety. He joined the Lexington Police Department in 2003.
While with the Lexington Police Department, he worked assignments within the Patrol Division, Traffic Division and spent over eight years with the Community Action Team. PFC Ryan Whitlock was responsible for starting and maintaining many of the community focused programs that continue today with the officers of the Community Action Team.
PFC Ryan Whitlock received advanced training as a Traffic Safety Officer, he was Child Passenger Seat Technician, a Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Instructor, and was a member of the Crisis Negotiations Team.