Springdale, SC (Paul Kirby) - Chief Kevin Cornett led a ceremonial oath of office and badge pinning for two Springdale Police Department employees Tuesday night. The short ceremony was held at the town of Springdale’s March Town Council Meeting.
Cornett first officially administered the oath of office to new Patrol Officer Denny. He was accompanied by loved ones as he took a ceremonial oath of office and had his badge pinned on by a family member. He had already taken the official oath of office prior to starting his field training two weeks prior. Officer Denny previously worked for Lexington County’s Animal Control. Chief Cornett said that the Springdale PD and the town were excited to have the Denny family join the Springdale family.
Sergeant “Bear” Richbourg was officially promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He was also joined by family as he took his new oath of office and had his new badge pinned on. Lieutenant Richbourg has over ten years of criminal justice experience and has previously worked for the City of Columbia Police Department and the Lexington County Sheriff's Department. He graduated with his master's degree in criminal justice last year. He has worked in investigations in Springdale and Chief Cornett said the department and town was proud to have his expertise and drive in their department.
Please congratulate both of these two SPD employees.