Irmo, SC - has released its 2020 Best Schools in America rankings, and Lexington-Richland School District Five was named the number one school district in South Carolina.
The website ranks over 10,000 public school districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents. School District Five’s overall “A” rating is based on categories consisting of: academics, teachers, clubs and activities, diversity, college prep and health and safety.
Along with its top overall ranking, School District Five was also ranked as the number one school district in South Carolina with the best teachers. It was ranked second in the state for best places to teach.
“What an incredible honor it is for School District Five to be named the top school district in South Carolina,” said Superintendent Dr. Christina Melton. “For all 10 areas to be graded at the “A” rating (A- to A+) is evident that the work of our staff is valued and that our community is informed. I congratulate our district staff, school leaders, teachers, support staff and students who are truly dedicated to making School District Five a great place to work and learn.”
The website’s ranking mirrors other measures of the district’s success. The district’s SAT scores are above state and national averages, and School District Five high schools were ranked in national publications for preparing students for college.