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Swansea High School Jobs for America's Graduates Students Serve the Community

Swansea, SC - Thursday November 21, Swansea High School’s Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) group volunteered their time to work at the Mount Pleasant Food Bank. SHS JAG students worked alongside their teacher, Mrs. Shelia Parkman, who helped create this partnership between the school and community.

When asked what he enjoyed most about his experience volunteering at the food bank, William Rivera said, “I enjoyed seeing so many people happy. Everyone was super excited and grateful for what they got. It’s incredible how big of an impact we can have on our community.”

Mrs. Sandra Smith, Mount Pleasant Food Bank Coordinator, shared the following message with Mrs. Parkman Thursday evening, "Thanks a million. It was a joy and a blessing to have students that were so eager to serve. They did a great service. We served over a hundred families today.”

This is one example of the many ways JAG strives to serve the community throughout the school year.

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