Lexington, S.C. — During the March 17, 2020, meeting, the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Donald D. Hardie as the new principal of White Knoll Middle School effective July 1. He will replace Guy Smith who is retiring at the end of this school year. Hardie comes to Lexington District One from Saluda County Schools where he has served as principal of Saluda Middle School since 2016.
An accomplished educator with 20 years of experience, Hardie began his career as a mathematics teacher and coach at Airport High School in Lexington School District Two. After teaching for five years, he transitioned into administration. He served as assistant principal of Cyril B. Busbee Middle School; in 2007, he accepted the role of math and virtual school coordinator in District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties.
He was later named principal of that district’s Alternative Academy for Success. Under his leadership, the school experienced a decrease in suspension days, expulsions and dropouts. He also acted as president of the South Carolina Alternative Schools Round Table. He served in that position for six years before becoming principal of Saluda Middle School.
He is married to Suzy Hardie, a professor at the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. Their daughter, Joy, is a middle school student who enjoys ice skating and ballet.