Lexington, SC (Paul Kirby) - Chief Terrence Green of the Lexington Police Department recently congratulated Corporal Grady Johnson for being selected as their Officer of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2020. He was presented with a beautiful etched glass award to remind him of the honor he received.

Corporal Johnson was nominated to receive this award for his leadership and work within the Traffic Safety Unit. He maintains the department’s grant paperwork, plans traffic safety checkpoints, and organizes other events while overseeing department programs like the Child Passenger Seat Program. This is all done in an effort to reduce the number of vehicle collisions in Lexington.
According to the department Johnson has been with the Lexington Police Department since 2008. He has worked many assignments that include the Patrol Division, Criminal Investigations Division, and the Special Operations Division to which he is currently assigned.
The Lexington Police Department recognize an Employee of the Quarter four times a year. It is meant as a way to honor employees that give 100% to the department’s effort to foster good community relationships. This is while they strive to reduce the rate of crime and hazardous conditions the citizens and visitors of Lexington are exposed to as they enjoy the town.