Paul Kirby (Swansea, SC) - Although the National Beta Club Convention that was scheduled to take place in Ft. Worth, Texas was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lexington Four Senior Beta Club members were able to participate in a virtual convention during the month of June. Participants had to qualify at the SC State Convention in Myrtle Beach in February in order to be eligible to compete.
The participants from Swansea High School who competed in the national competition included Alex Mack, Irvin Munoz, Madison Bloome, Addison Sanders, Kendra Daye, Christa LaSalle, Luke Furtick, Madison Young, Chapin Fallaw and Chance Lee. Students who competed from the Swansea Freshman Academy included Meadow Brantley, Alex Figueroa, Hannah Rivers, Cottia Taylor, and MaKayla Thompson.
The team of Luke Furtick, Madison Young, Chapin Fallaw and Chance Lee placed 10th with their Service-Learning Showcase and Alex Figueroa placed 3rd in 9th grade Spanish. Hannah Rivers placed first and became the Grand Champion in DivisionOne Woodworking at the National Beta Club Convention!
These students who competed in this history-making event rose above and beyond the challenges they faced to make everyone in District Four and the community proud as they showed that they could compete with students from across the nation.