West Columbia, SC 03/06/2025 - Airport High School Principal Matt Schilit said some of his most important lessons about leadership and inclusion have come from his 11-year-old son.
That’s why Schilit’s recent selection as Principal of the Year by the South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children is so special. The award from the council -- a “collaborative community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special education in South Carolina,” according to its website -- recognizes Schilit’s outstanding contributions to the advancement of exceptional children and youth.
“I was blessed 11 years ago with the most amazing son. He has special needs, and yes, he has his challenges,” Schilit said. “But there has been no better teacher about life and leadership than Ryder. I lead through his eyes and want all of our students at Airport to have every opportunity to be successful here and in life, whatever that success looks like and will be. It looks different for every single individual, and that is OK.”
Schilit has been in education for 24 years, eight of them in Lexington Two, most recently as principal at Northside Middle School before moving to his current position at Airport four years ago. At Airport, he said, he has worked to build an environment “that is inclusive for all students, and a school where we are all an Airport Eagle.”
“My philosophy is simple: Lead with heart,” Schilit said. “Lead how you would want your loved ones treated and make sure your environment is one where you would place these very loved ones. I believe the 2025 high school must be a place that welcomes everyone and provides constant opportunities to grow academically and in life.”
Shauna Gartner, a SET resource teacher and department head at Airport, said Schilit “goes out of his way to ensure that every student feels valued and supported.”
“His dedication to inclusion means that all students have access to the same opportunities, and he actively engages with them to make sure their voices are heard,” Gartner said. “He leads by example, always offering a kind word, showing genuine interest in students’ success, and fostering a positive and welcoming environment.”
Schilit said he is looking forward to having Airport host the Special Olympics Spring Games on April 11. “We will host hundreds of special needs athletes, and Airport will have over 100 students volunteering with these athletes. Special Olympics will bring K-12 students to our wonderful campus, and we will provide an experience they will remember forever.”
Schilit was presented with the Principal of the Year award at the South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children’s annual conference late last month.
“Personally and professionally, there is no award that means more,” Schilit said. “Being the parent of a special needs son and leading an inclusive school at Airport makes this honor the top for me.
“We all have defining moments in our career,” Schilit said, “and this is one for me.”