Cayce, SC 06/15/2023 (Paul Kirby) - The City of Cayce recently unveiled the Cayce Community Tool Shed. It was introduced to the community at a press event on Wednesday, June 7, at 10:30 a.m. During that event, Cayce staff members, Cayce Beautification Foundation members, community partners, and City of Cayce elected officials were in attendance to unveil the tool shed. They also announced how members of the Cayce community can borrow the tools to assist with their yard work.
Brief comments about how this inventive solution came about, the collaborative steps taken to fund and create the tool shed, and what this means to residents of Cayce were made. Cayce City Manager, Tracy Hegler, stated during this portion of the event, “This project is a perfect example of a staff that goes above-and-beyond to find innovative ways to address concerns from our Cayce residents. I am personally thrilled to share the story of all the work that went into our Cayce Community Tool Shed.”
Any resident or organization that lives or operates in the City of Cayce that would like to borrow tools can contact Public Works Administrative Assistant Susan Law at 803-205-4434. The tools or equipment can be borrowed for up to three (3) days. The location to pick up tools is Cayce City Hall. Tools that are borrowed need to be cleaned and returned to our office by the assigned due date.
The goals of the program are to:
Promote community engagement.
Empower residents and organizations to maintain their neighborhoods.
Serve as a resource for residents who are in violation of city code(s) to address
matters in a timely fashion.
Reduce annual cost of enforcement of overgrown property and minor exterior
structure violations
The Cayce Community Tool Shed is a program that the City’s Code Enforcement staff members thought would be a huge help for residents who need help maintaining their yards and staying in compliance. The Cayce Beautification Foundation loved the idea and generously sponsored the cost of the Tool Shed. Lowe’s of West Columbia, Martin Marietta, The Graphics Source and The Carter Insurance Group sponsored the tools to supply the Tool Shed.
PHOTO CAPTION: Elected officials and City of Cayce staff members at the event held to introduce the Cayce Community Tool Shed to the community. To the left is Ken Walters - this originated from him. He is head of the City of Cayce Code Enforcement Team.
CAPTION #2: The Cayce Community Tool Shed
CAPTION #3: The inside of the Cayce Community Tool Shed with the tools residents and community organizations can borrow.