Lexington, SC 10/13/2022 (Paul Kirby) – Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher recently had to update her OVERDOSE DEATHS sign that she installed roadside at her Duffie Drive office in Lexington. The sign was installed over the last year to call awareness to the epidemic of drug overdoses that has plagued or county and the entire country.
With the ever-increasing stream of dangerous drugs like Fentanyl streaming across our open southern border, what many drug users think may be a normal hit for someone who regularly abuses substances, can find themselves making that hit the last thing they do in their lives. Although people can and do overdose and die from using other drugs, Fentanyl quickly suppresses their body’s muscle and their desire to breathing. It’s often used as a cutting agent for heroin or taken in pill form that can be disguised as common prescriptions like a Lortab or Vicodin. Now, this deadly drug comes in all colors like candy and even a recreational users like teens and college students are taking them and dying at an alarming rate.
Since Coroner Fisher began to see so many of these overdose deaths here, she installed the sign that chronicles the growing number of deaths per year from drug overdoses. This latest update put that number at 80 in 2022. She hopes that through education, drug enforcement successes, and programs to help user and addicts, one day she will a stop to the signs numerical rise. Until the day she sees that number stop climbing, she’ll do everything in her power including dutifully updating the death sign.
