South Congaree, SC 09/22/2021 (Paul Kirby) – Pastor Gene Henderson, the senior pastor of Ebenezer Pentecostal Holiness Church in South Congaree, was presented with a resolution from the SC State Senate Tuesday night on behalf of the church’s congregation. The resolution was in honor of Ebenezer’s 100th anniversary and their long history of continuing service to the people of southern Lexington County.
The framed resolution was presented by Representative R.J. May of House District 88. He did this on behalf of Senator Katrina Shealy during the town of South Congaree’s monthly Town Council Meeting. Senator Shealy had introduced the resolution in the Senate but unfortunately, she was out of town at a conference on Tuesday so she asked Rep. May to make the presentation in her stead.
Rep. May said during the presentation that the church and its members have worked hard for a century to, “teach the values that we all cherish and love.” He continued by saying, “Those are to love the Lord with all your heart, to work hard and be there for your neighbors, and at the end of the day if you’ve done these things, it’s going to be alright.” May said that despite the pervasive, progressive political climate and agenda that is being pushed by our government in Washington D.C. today, in our pews and in our hearts, we know what is right and must follow the example of Christians like the members of Ebenezer’s congregation.

The resolution pointed out that 100 years ago, a small group of Christians came together in fasting and prayer before deciding to build the church. Since that time, the congregation has continued to work diligently serving the Lord, following the teachings of Christ, and as a result has grown. In 1956, they built and dedicated their current sanctuary on the corner of Church Street and Colonial Drive in the Town of South Congaree, SC. Then and now, they work to transform the community by spreading the good news of Christ. Through their acts and dedication, the church has touched thousands of lives through His teachings.
Pastor Gene also spoke to the crowd after the resolution was presented. He talked of Ebenezer’s humble beginnings in a community where few people had substantial means, most of the roads were dirt, and simple country people just wanted a place to come together and worship the Lord. He said that on land that was donated, using trees and other materials given by the faithful, a small church was built. Now, 100 years later, that church still stands as a testament to God and his works through his people.
As the presentation was made, the crowd of spectators rose to their feet and offered a standing ovation to the church and its people. The congregants in attendance beamed with huge smiles as they all realized they are a part of something much bigger than themselves. They are a part of a successful, growing, vibrant church that is still serving after 100 years.
