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Lexington District Three announces they are switching to remote learning January 18 thru 21

Batesburg-Leesville, SC 01/13/2022 (Paul Kirby) – Lexington County School District Three announced Thursday that they would switch all their schools to remote learning beginning January 18th. They plan to remain in that mode until January 21st.

In an email sent to parents and the media, the district’s Public Information Officer Makenzie Taylor wrote, “Our highest priority in Lexington County School District Three is to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for all students and staff. In keeping with this commitment, administrators are shifting all four of the district’s schools to virtual learning during the week of January 18th

through 21st.” January 17th was already scheduled to be a holiday in Lexington Three in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. She continued by saying, “The move to virtual learning comes as a result of a critical spread of COVID-19 at all schools among students and faculty and an inability to adequately staff schools and continue face-to-face instruction.”

Taylor also pointed out that there would be no in-person, school-related practices, activities or games while Lexington Three is in remote learning mode. This means that all sports activities for both JV and Varsity teams are cancelled until the school returns to in-person instruction. The after-school programs at B-L Primary and B-L Elementary Schools are also cancelled while the district is in remote learning mode. In addition, day and evening classes at the Lifelong Learning Center are cancelled from January 18th through the 21st. Tentatively, the return to in-person instruction for all campuses is planned for Monday, January 24th. However, this will be confirmed by district officials closer to that date.

According to Taylor, teachers and staff from B-L Primary, B-L Elementary, B-L Middle and B-L High Schools will be providing additional, more in-depth instructions to students regarding how classes will operate during this session of remote learning.

General information is provided below for parents:

K4 Students - Instructional activities will be sent home with students on Friday, January 14th.Teachers will be checking in with students throughout the week via SeeSaw and phone.

K5 through 5th Grade Students - Students will have live, whole-class sessions via Google Classroom at designated times in the morning and afternoon. In addition, teachers will be meeting with small groups of students virtually throughout the day in-between the whole class sessions. Each teacher will provide specific times through communications such as SeeSaw and Remind. When students are not attending virtual classes or small group sessions, they will have assignments to complete.

6th through 12th Grade Students - Students will meet on Google Classroom for live class sessions according to their regular daily schedule.

While in remote learning mode, instruction is expected to continue - school is not closed. Your child’s teachers are available by email and phone should you have any questions. You may also call your child’s school with questions or concerns. If your child needs Internet access during the remote learning period, please click on the button titled “Request a Hotspot Device” that can be

found on the homepage of our website ( One of our technology staff members will contact you to make arrangements for pick-up of the device. This transition to remote learning is a necessary requirement due to rising COVID-19 numbers, but it is our goal to continue to provide academic learning and support during this period while ensuring the health

and safety of all students and staff.

Families who would like to pick-up four days’ worth of free meals courtesy of Lexington Three’s Food Services Department can do so on Wednesday, January 19th at B-L Elementary School from 9 am until 11 am. Meals will be dispersed in the side bus loop of the school.


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