Swansea, SC - Students and staff at Lexington School District Four’s Sandhills Middle School (SMS) held a ceremony in honor and remembrance of 9/11. Representatives from the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, Lexington County Fire Services, and Shaw Air Force Base were in attendance. Leading up to the ceremony, students signed a banner to thank and present to first responders. Students learned about 9/11 during their Social Studies and English classes, and teachers shared with students their personal experiences from that day.
During the ceremony, members of the Shaw Air Force Base Honor Guard presented the colors. Prior to saying the Pledge of Allegiance, SMS principal Brad Coleman spoke to students about the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. He also shared the meaning of flying the American flag at half-staff. Students and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the National Anthem lead by SMS band director Dillon Smith. Closing out the program was Captain Nick Juvegas of the Lexington County Fire Department, who spoke to students about his experience with 9/11.
Sandhills Middle School and the Lexington Four family wish to thank first responders for the work they do every day.