Dixiana, SC 09/11/2023 (Paul Kirby) - On September 16, 2023, and September 17, 2023, The South Carolina State Farmers’ Market in conjunction with The Midlands Crafters’ Association will host a FREE family event for the community. This event will host over 170 vendors, crafters, and local businesses from all over the Midlands. This event is always FREE Admission, FREE Parking, and is Pet Friendly; everyone is welcome.
As a fundraising program and a community building event, they will host a Silent Auction in conjunction with the craft show. We will highlight Harvest Hope Food Bank as our charity for this fall. A selection of items from our vendors and the local community will be in the Auction to benefit the Food Bank.
This event will be held on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 9 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 17, 2023, from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. This event will take place at the South Farmer’s Shed at the South Carolina State Farmers Market. That’s located at 3483 Charleston Highway, West Columbia, SC.
See more information on the attached flyer included below or with forwarding questions regarding the 2023 Midlands Fall Arts & Crafts Market Extravaganza. Those can be directed to Jamie Organ at (cell) 803-553-4912 or (via email) jamie@midlandscrafters.com.
