West Columbia, SC 06/17/2022 - Two Lexington School District Two educators have qualified to become South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers. This is a program started by SC Treasurers Curtis Loftis designed to increase the number of teachers across the state who are incorporating personal finance education into their K-12 classrooms.
Tammi Campbell of Airport High School and Harmonica Hart of New Bridge Academy are among 27 state educators who completed the bronze, silver and gold certification process of the South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program. The program was launched in January 2020 by State Treasurer Curtis Loftis to provide financial incentives, specialized training, and financial literacy curriculum resources to K-12 teachers.
“I want to congratulate these passionate educators for officially completing the Master Teacher Program,” Loftis said in a prepared statement. “Each one brings important knowledge, life experiences and training that prepares and inspires their students.”
The educators were recognized recently at the 33rd Annual Economics and Financial Literacy Awards luncheon in West Columbia.
To learn more about the South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program, visit scflmt.org.
PHOTO CAPTION: Tammi Campbell

PHOTO CAPTION: Harmonica Hart
