West Columbia, SC (06/07/2021) – The City of West Columbia is embracing the individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses encompassing the WeCo #HeadWest spirit! The WeCo Faces WeCo Places campaign can be found in the River District and Triangle City on the decorative pole banners. Each banner has a QR code that leads the viewer to a website with more information about the individuals, businesses, and places featured on the banners.
Mayor Tem Miles said, “I am so proud of the individuals being honored on the WeCo Faces WeCo Places banners throughout Triangle City and the River District. These banners will help tell the story of the success of our city and each individuals’ great contribution to it.”
To view all of the WeCo Faces WeCo Faces banners and information, visit www.westcolumbiasc.gov/wecofacesplaces.